Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Joy, Seek Peace and Pursue it

Love & Joy

It’s been three years since my last blog post, yet at renewal time, I just couldn’t let my blog go. I was reflecting as to why I needed to hold onto it. I mean I had recently re-read a bunch of my old blog posts and cringed as I read them. I would write them so differently now. A little less preachy, maybe writing in the mess, versus waiting until I had cleaned up the mess. And it’s been three years since I posted!I’ve been reading a book, and it asked me to create a “Love & Joy” list. Add to it 20 things that you love or that give you joy, 10 that are free and 10 that cost money.

Writing & reflecting – those were near the top of my list. I have been doing them less because I haven’t had time. Life seem to pick up speed dramatically once all three kids were in school. With that change, my time to reflect and write slowly got cut, and was replaced with homework help and carting kids around. Because writing and reflecting weren’t essential for us to live our daily lives.

But today I wonder if I was wrong. If maybe I do need to take the time to do the things I love. Rather than just collapsing at the end of the day, turning on the TV and telling my oldest “I’m off the clock” – maybe, just maybe, I need to do something that brings me “Love & Joy.” (Watching TV did not make my list.)

So what does bring me Love & Joy? Praying, writing, reflecting, reading, swimming, going to the beach, visiting with family and friends, taking a walk in nature, singing, playing my guitar, laughing, joking with my family, dancing in the kitchen, a clean clutter free house, peaceful relationships, and cooking a good meal.

So I’m gonna try to take time to do the things that bring me Love & Joy a little bit more. I think that’s something that I need to give me peace.

“Seek peace and pursue it.”

Psalm 34:14b

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