Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Joy, Seek Peace and Pursue it

Love & Joy

It’s been three years since my last blog post, yet at renewal time, I just couldn’t let my blog go. I was reflecting as to why I needed to hold onto it. I mean I had recently re-read a bunch of my old blog posts and cringed as I read them. I would write them so differently now. A little less preachy, maybe writing in the mess, versus waiting until I had cleaned up the mess. And it’s been three years since I posted! Continue reading “Love & Joy”

Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Joy, Parenting, Seek Peace and Pursue it

Now I Know that God is Real!

My son is 8, and he asks me a lot of questions about God.  How do we know that God exists?  How did the Bible get written?  How can it be that God was never created?  What happens to the people that never heard about God?  How do you hear God’s voice?  Why doesn’t he talk in a voice that everyone can hear?

“Really kid? You’re eight.” So I bought him a book called “801 Questions Kids Ask About God.” His response?  “Finally!”, as he ripped the book out of my hands, and ran upstairs to start reading.

Continue reading “Now I Know that God is Real!”

Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Seek Peace and Pursue it

Hands Free Mama

I first saw it on Facebook, a new book called “Hands Free Mama: A guide to putting down the phone, burning the to do list, and letting go of perfection to grasp what really matters!” by Rachel Mary Stafford.  Just reading the title made me want to turn and run.  Both towards the book (because I knew I needed it), and away from it, because I knew that it would be a painful – yet very necessary journey for me to take. Continue reading “Hands Free Mama”