Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Joy, Seek Peace and Pursue it

Love & Joy

It’s been three years since my last blog post, yet at renewal time, I just couldn’t let my blog go. I was reflecting as to why I needed to hold onto it. I mean I had recently re-read a bunch of my old blog posts and cringed as I read them. I would write them so differently now. A little less preachy, maybe writing in the mess, versus waiting until I had cleaned up the mess. And it’s been three years since I posted! Continue reading “Love & Joy”

Posted in Love, Seek Peace and Pursue it

On the Other Side of Keyboard

There is an awful lot of hate out in Facebook land these days.  From disagreements over SCOTUS rulings, racial tension, class wars, riots, fights between the right and left over just about everything: healthcare, immigration, gay rights, abortion, tax policies and foreign policy.  Add to it an almost daily announcement of some scandal somewhere, some crazy people doing something crazy somewhere, and updates on what is going on in the Middle East.  It is enough to make you crazy. Continue reading “On the Other Side of Keyboard”

Posted in Seek Peace and Pursue it, Worry, Fear and Anxiety

Where It All Began

Six years ago my life was changed by a call to wholeheartedly “seek peace and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14b).  I did not go looking for peace, I was just trying to survive a high-risk pregnancy.  But thankfully God knew what I needed to survive life.

For several years I prayed for peace, I studied peace, I meditated on scriptures about peace, and I read books about God’s peace.  In the process I learned that peace plays into just about every area of my life! Continue reading “Where It All Began”

Posted in Seek Peace and Pursue it, Worry, Fear and Anxiety

Bye Bye Worry Lane

I used to spend a lot of time on Worry Lane. If my husband was 5 minutes late, I had already planned his funeral, panicked about finances and figured out how we would go on after his death. If I encountered a difficult situation, I would continuously re-play the events in my head. Many times I made myself physically sick by worrying about the “what ifs”. Continue reading “Bye Bye Worry Lane”

Posted in Seek Peace and Pursue it

Make it Stop!

Last night the power fluctuated.  When it came back on, the back-up sump pump alarm was going off.  There is no off button on the alarm.  It is a high pitched, piercing noise that can be heard in every room of our house.  We bought it 10 years ago, and it has saved our house a few times, but it makes me crazy.  Home Depot was closed, so there was no fixing it tonight. Continue reading “Make it Stop!”