Posted in Full time Mom, Full time Job, Parenting

In Pursuit Revisited

At 18 months my oldest daughter started pushing me away. The emotional part of me was crushed. The logical part of me knew that as she was with her Daddy all day, of course she would prefer him. That’s when I heard God whisper two words, “PURSUE HER”.

Maria at age 3

So I took my Christmas break and just concentrated on loving her, pursuing her. By the time my break was over, she no longer pushed me away. After that, we repeated the cycle too many times to count. Part of me wanted to give up, and just let her push me away because it was hard to keep pursuing someone who pushes you away. But the wiser part of me knew that she was only 3, and did not know what was best for her.

One day when I was praying about this, God told me that He wanted me to show her His love for her through my example. It was important that I pursue her precisely because He wanted her to know how Christ will always pursue her.  How many times do we push Christ away? How many times do we prefer things of this world over Him? Yet He NEVER gives up on us. Never.  Ever.

I want my daughter to grow up knowing she is loved like that. Which means I only had one choice: Pursue Her.

She is now 5.  And she LOVES her Mommy.  She needs to cuddle with Mommy all the time.  She tells me daily that she loves me, that I’m beautiful, that she loves spending time with me, and that I am her favorite Mommy.  She follows me around the house, and always wants to be right next to me.

I am seeing the beginning fruit of my pursuit!!!

Maria at age 5

My youngest daughter is now 18 months.  She too is starting to push me away.  I am so glad that it this happening after I am seeing the beginning fruit of my labor.

As there is only one thing I can do.  Pursue her too.

Sofia at 18 months

“Seek peace and pursue it” Psalm 34:14b

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